HelloNet - Add and Edit Road Networks Online

HelloNet allows you to create and edit road networks (node-edge models). It is equally suitable for urban and rural roads, footpaths, cycle paths and other linear infrastructures. The special feature of HelloNet is that all changes to the network are saved as a "transaction". Each transaction represents a specific change to the network. Advantage: The specialist objects, such as management, inventory and status data, can interpret these transcations and the network reference is automatically adapted to the new network without any loss of data. A roundabout has been built? No problem - a few clicks in HelloNet and the network and network relating data (consruction, traffic load, road condition) are updated and up to date.

Road Database as-a-Service

With HelloNet, OnKo3 and solutions based on the EVE platform become a complete infrastructure solution. HelloNet consists of three components:

The easy-to-use web client makes it possible to add, delete and edit the road network at the click of a mouse. Various functions and tools are available for this purpose (see below). Sections can not only be added, deleted or changed, but also split, merged, compressed, stretched or rotated - all at the click of a mouse. Practical: changes can be undone right back to the original state, because HelloNet works completely transactionally.

The second and third components are server services with which the network and inventory data are automatically updated in the background. For this purpose, the changes made to the network with HelloNet (i.e. transactions) are sent to the two server services at the push of a button and interpreted by them. The road network and inventory data are then updated in fractions of a second and are immediately available in OnKo3 or your EVE-based infrastructure solution. 

With HelloNet, OnKo3 or your EVE-based infrastructure solution can be easily and cost-effectively expanded into a complete road information database (SIB). You no longer need complicated and expensive special programs. HelloNet is provided as Software-as-a-Service and we integrate it into your solution for you. It couldn't be simpler.

Funktionen im Überblick

  • Create and edit any networks (roads, footpaths, cycle paths, etc.)
  • Supported network operations:
    • Add, change, delete roads
    • Add, change, delete sections
    • Change the length of a section
    • Change the geometry of a section
    • Split section
    • Merge sections
    • Rotate section 
    • Undo function (back to the initial state)
  • The section data is retained during network changes 
  • Runs in all common browsers 
  • Fully compatible with OnKo3 and the EVE platform