HELLER has been a member of Pro Mobilität since October 2024. Pro Mobilität is a broad alliance for efficient infrastructures and safe, sustainable and future-proof mobility in Germany. As a non-profit association, the social benefits of roads in the interaction of all modes of transport are of particular importance to us. Roads ensure individual mobility, participation in social life, are a lifeline for the economy, trade and logistics and open up cities and rural areas throughout Germany. As a decisive locational advantage, roads guarantee prosperity and the free movement of goods. HELLER expects its membership to result in closer networking with the various sectors and will contribute the experience gained from its own project work and consulting activities for the federal, state, district and local road authorities. The economic maintenance of road infrastructure is a task that can only be solved jointly - i.e. in cooperative collaboration between administration, industry, engineering offices and universities. Clear and transparent communication of the requirements, the challenges and the possible or chosen solutions is of the utmost importance. In particular, HELLER also sees the challenge of making the job description of road engineers more attractive and creating awareness in administrations of the need for a systematic approach to target-oriented asset management.
This includes further digitalizing processes and decision-making with its own procedures and products. The digitalization of the transport sector is progressing and will have a significant impact on the mobility of tomorrow. Infrastructures, vehicle technologies and mobility habits are facing fundamental change. As a transport infrastructure association, Pro Mobilität has set itself the goal of driving forward the digital transformation of mobility in Germany. Together with politicians and companies, the foundations must be laid to create a decisive leverage effect for digital progress through the rapid expansion of efficient infrastructure, technological standards and the availability of networked data. In the current position paper "Digital Road Transport Infrastructure", Pro Mobilität provides political recommendations for action for the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure projects as well as for various aspects of the user perspective. Position paper