HELLER starts successfully into the year 2023
Thus, among other things, all ZEB projects of the federal government and the states tendered for 2023 will be managed by HELLER. In addition, a state project for the evaluation of roadside cycle paths will again be realized. In the municipal sector, contracts were concluded with many new counties and larger municipalities. The German contract volume for the years 2023 and 2024 already includes a road length of around 100,000 km to be assessed. In addition to the evaluation of the network of all federal roads as well as the state roads of 4 federal states, this includes the evaluation of the road condition of approx. 60 counties.
The OnKo3 infrastructure management system, which was expanded in 2022 to include an app for mobile damage recording (HelloMobile), is also very popular. Here, there were many new orders from state and local governments at the end of 2022 and in the first quarter of 2023.